
Person 1: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.   Person 2: Amen.   Person 1: Let us breathe in the oxygen of Christ’s gospel And breathe out the used-up air of our daily worries.   Person 2:  Let us breathe in the oxygen of...

God is Out There

Person 1: Creator God, you are out there in the beauty of this spring morning, in the chirping of the birds, the flow of our water streams, the wind that ruffles our hair. You are out there.   Person 2: Sometimes we seek you in the wrong places. We try to confine...

In The Beginning

Person 1: In the beginning, the earth was formless and empty; darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.   Person 2:  And step by step, God created order out of chaos, giving form to this world, letting water...

Joy of the Lord

Person 1:  The joy of the Lord is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)   Person 2: In the midst of crisis, in the midst of sea changes in our society, we remember the strength and joy we receive from above, from within, from the one who gave us life.   Person 1: Yes, the joy...

Perfectly imperfect

Call To Worship   L:  In the name of the one who created us to be perfectly imperfect, who gives us room to grow and grace to learn from our mistakes; in the name of the one who believes in us even when we are down on ourselves; In the name of the Father and of...