God is Out There

Person 1:

Creator God, you are out there in the beauty of this spring morning, in the chirping of the birds, the flow of our water streams, the wind that ruffles our hair. You are out there.


Person 2:

Sometimes we seek you in the wrong places. We try to confine you to the walls of a building. We lack the mindfulness to recognize you wherever we are. But you are out there.


Person 1:

Jesus, in the time after Easter you appeared to the disciple in a room that was locked, on the shores of a lake, among people who walked from town to town. You are out there.


Person 2:

Sometimes we seek you on the cross but fail to recognize you in the crosses of our own life. We manage to assign you to a symbol but don’t see you in the real pain of our brother and sister. But you are out there.


Person 1: 

Come Lord and help us to dream and realize a church without walls, a theology without philosophical roadblocks, a faith that is alive and active in the sanctuaries of our hearts and in all the places of our world. You are out there.


Person 2:

Sometimes we don’t see the forest for all the trees. We customize you to our small minds; we reduce you to manmade religion. But you are greater than that and you are out there.


Person 1:

All the time…


Person 2:

Out there with us.



Posted on

July 21, 2022

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