In The Beginning

Person 1:

In the beginning, the earth was formless and empty; darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.


Person 2: 

And step by step, God created order out of chaos, giving form to this world, letting water flow through its veins and vegetation grow on its outer skin, populating it with creatures of every kind.


Person 1:

In the beginning of our own lives there was chaos as well. Formed in the womb of our mother, the spirit of God was caressing our tiny life in that protective little bubble until we were born.


Person 2:  And then, step by step, we discovered our world, discerning sounds, repeating words, feeling emotions, desires, hunger and thirst; and forcing our parents quite often to create order in our chaos.


Person 1:  In the beginning of our faith journey there too was chaos. Darkness was in our souls and the Spirit of God hovered over the unconscious soup of unformed beliefs and hesitant faith.


Person 2:  And then, often taking us two steps forward and one step back, our faith evolved in the chaos of life, giving us wisdom and understanding, anchoring our anxious souls.


Person 1: Jesus said, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.


Person 2:  In the beginning, there is always chaos.


Person 1: But in the end, God has formed something beautiful.


Posted on

July 21, 2022

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