Seasons of LIfe

Call to Worship

L: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen.

L: For everything there is a season, King Salomon wrote. There is a time for everything
under the sun.
C: God of all life, give us wisdom to be.

L: There is a time for flowers to bloom and a time when they wither and return to
Mother Earth.
C: God of all life, give us wisdom to be.

L: There is a time for action and a time for reflection. There is a time to be passionate
and strong and a time to be patient and content.
C: God of all life, give us wisdom to be.

L: There is a time to protest and offend; and there is a time to listen and understand.
C: God of all life, give us wisdom to be.

L: There is a time to mourn and be sad and there is a time to move on and look ahead.
C: God of all life, give us wisdom to be.

L: In everything, you are with us; your saving presence surrounds us in Christ,
our Lord.
C: God of eternal life, we give you thanks. Amen.

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