
Call to Worship

(Based on a poem by Pastor Dan Grace)

P: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen.

P: The Spirit comes silently into our hearts:
C: Bringing love, and pointing to the one who brought us life,
Jesus the Christ, The Living God.

P: In our desires to be the center,
wrapping ourselves up in ever smaller packages
fearing that, if we are not the center,
there will be no center,
we are re-directed by God:
C: The Spirit comes
and points to Christ,
the one who walked with us,
the one who lived with us,
the one who was us,
and died like us
only to rise up and bring life.

P: This is the one to whom the Spirit points,
that we may know God’s love for us,
and become a new creation.
C: Amen.

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