
Call to Worship

L: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen.

L: Lord, lead us up to the mountain that we may see beyond the everyday things of life.
C: To look back, to look forward, to look around us, to look above, to see the bigger picture.

L: And while we are there, let your light shine on Jesus and your voice reach our ears,
C: That the glow of your presence will stay with us when we walk through life’s valleys.

L: That you will find us faithful when we have to carry a cross,
C: Knowing that our cross is your cross and that you will carry it with us.

L: We give you thanks for the upcoming weeks of Lent. May we see beyond the everyday things of life!
C: May we see the bigger picture! Amen.

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