
Call to Worship

P: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen.

P: Church, let us remember that we, the people, always need to seek the reformation of our hearts and the renewal of our faith.
C:  On this Reformation Sunday we pray for God’s Holy Spirit to give us insight into our souls, a  love of truth, a humble mind and a passion for holy ministry.

P:  Church, let us remember that being the body of Christ is not easy. Many times we will be asked to go against the flow. The reformers remind us of times when we need to take a stand against the unholy practices of our time.
C: Lord, help us to live in truth and integrity. Help us resist the temptation to just think of  our own needs and desires while tolerating what is unacceptable in your  eyes.  

P: What are the unholy practices of our time that we are caught up in?  Take a moment of silence and reflection and ask where we need to be reformed and renewed.

Moment of silence and reflection.

P: May God grant you the courage of Martin Luther, Martin Luther King Jr., and of all the women and men who have worked to reform church and society.    
C: Amen.

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