People in Transition:
We pray for those who are in transition: from school to college, from work to retirement, from unemployment to a new job, from being busy parents to becoming empty nesters. Guide us on our journeys! Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.
Accompany all those experiencing life transitions: those pursuing new studies; those who are retiring; and those moving to new communities. Give them the courage to embrace change and flourish in their new roles. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

People in need:
We pray for all who are in need. (Pause) For the spiritually lost, the fearful, the confused, and the ill (especially) that the Lord will keep their going out and their coming in. For those who suffer from depression and low self-esteem, for those who see no future for themselves, we pray urgently: Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Lord, this morning we want to remember those who are often forgotten. Show your steadfast love and faithfulness to those in prison, the innocent wrongly accused, and the victims of violence and abuse. For all who have seen more darkness than light, let us pray.
C Have mercy, O God.

D Dear God, we pray for families that are torn apart, hearts that are grieving, people dealing with overwhelming problems, individuals in the claws of addiction and for all those we now name aloud or in our hearts… Send healing to those who are ill or in pain. Holy God,
C hear our prayer.

We pray for all whose spirits are subdued, who suffer under a cloud of darkness, who can’t see light at the end of their tunnel, who can’t sing, rejoice or laugh. Lord, mend their souls, lift up their spirits, let your light expel all gloom. Your will be done.
C Your will be done on earth, O Lord.

Come Lord, come to the aid of those who need you, (especially). Heal their pain, mend their brokenness, take away their sorrow, lift them out of their troubles, and relieve their burdens. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

For all who are weighed down with economic instability, sorrow, anxiety, or sickness (especially), that you speak tenderly to them and comfort them in your compassionate embrace. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

D Lord God, we pause for moment and think of people who are deeply afflicted by mental illness and darkness. Help them to be safe and help the human family to better understand and treat depression and mental disorders. Hear us, O God.
C Let your light shine.
Lord we thank you for the gift of life. We pray for those who are desperate and suicidal, who are isolated from their community and torn apart from their own true selves. Bring your healing spirit upon them and help this community to comfort, console and strengthen those who are hurting.
God of mercy,
C hear our prayer.
D For all who are plagued by anxieties and worries; for those who feel disconnected from their family and community and for those who are grieving loved ones, we pray this morning. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

We pray for all who are suffering and all who are struggling in relationships that have turned sour. We pray for hungry children, fearful parents, grieving loved ones, abused spouses, and those we now name in our hearts, that they may know your peace. Silence
Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Gracious God, with boldness we pray for those who suffer adversity, addiction, alienation, or illness (especially). Bless the groups that meet here every week and heal what is broken. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

O Lord our God, you give light to those who sit in darkness. We lift up those who are without homes or jobs; we pray for people whose souls are mired in desperation; we pray for the sick and suffering among us (especially). Lord, in your mercy,
C Hear our prayer.

Healer of our every ill, bring hope and solace to those who struggle with depression. Set free those burdened by feelings of guilt, shame, and worthlessness. Visit the sick with your compassionate Spirit (especially). Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Blessed are you, Holy One. As we come to you, we remember those who are sick and suffering, those who live on the margins of life, those who need a friend. Bless all who are in desperate need and help us to be there for our neighbors when they need us most. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

We pray for all those who experience life’s dark sides: those who struggle with mental illness, sudden tragedy or severe depression. Help those who face the darkness to find the light. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Holy God, we pray for families that are estranged or separated and in need of healing. Touch the hearts that have become bitter and cynical and open them for a spirit of empathy toward the other person. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Lord, be with those who are anxiously gathering in the waiting rooms of our area hospitals to be with a loved one. Bring healing into our lives and help us to live healthily. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

D We remember those who are struggling and fighting for their lives: on hospital beds, in recovery programs, in mental institutions and as refugees on the run to find safety. Bless all those and for the people who are trying to help them, we thank you, O Lord.
Your mercy is great.

People like us

Lord, we thank you for our community, our families, our friends and our church. We pray that we may recognize Christ’s presence among us and lead others to discover the spiritual realities of life. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

O Lord, our God, you know us better than we know ourselves. You know when we need encouragement and when we need to second-guess ourselves; you know when we need to reach out to others and when we need to allow others to reach out to us. Draw us closer to you, that we may know ourselves as you know us. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

D Make us free to be whole and healthy persons, God of grace. Give strength to caregivers, infuse medical workers with skill, inspire scientists to find cures, and make us well in mind, body, and soul (especially). Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

D Make us free to be people of purpose, God of grace. Bless us with a determination to let go of those things that keep us stagnant, and inspire us to find new ways to serve and love our neighbors. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the blessings that we have received this year. We ask that you empower us to live by faith, free of fear, generous and full of your Son Jesus Christ.
Hear us, O God.
C Let your light shine.

D For all of our young people who are graduating this year, that you may guide them into their future calling; for all those who receive driver’s licenses, that you may keep them safe and alert on the road. For those who are expecting children, we pray for your blessing. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Holy Spirit, as in the days of creation, you roam the world to find souls that are open to you. We pray that you may find the doors of our hearts and souls open to your presence. Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

We give you thanks, o Lord, for the many blessings of life: the joys of companionship, the rewards of work, the blessings of our own families . Be with those looking for work, battling addiction, mourning the loss of someone they love, or experiencing illness (especially). Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

For those who think they are never good enough, in their own eyes or in the eyes of God. For those whose lives have been touched by tragedy and guilt, that they may accept God’s grace,
let us pray.
C Have mercy, O God.

Lord God, we thank you for the many blessings you grant us. Help us appreciate each moment of grace, each unforeseen gift and each opportunity to affirm life. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

People unlike us

Lord, thank you for our neighbors, friends and strangers who are different from us. Break down the barriers that prohibit us from reaching out in love to all God’s children. Move us beyond economic, racial, and class distinctions in our appreciation of people. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

Make us free to be brothers and sisters, God of grace. Shatter the distinctions that create hatred and fear. Open our eyes to see one another as people who bear the image and likeness of Christ. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

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