D Let us pray for the well-being of creation. Bless our beautiful National Parks and let them be an inspiration for good stewardship. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

D O God, you shaped this planet as part of a mighty solar system . You are the Lord over mountains and valleys, streams and lakes, deserts and forests. Help us to take care of your creation as our own most precious home. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

D Heavenly Father, we thank you for the blessings of the earth, for the beauties of sea and sky, for fish and birds, for the evolution of all beings in times and ways that are still beyond our imagination. That you make us better stewards of creation, we pray.
Have mercy, O God.

D O Lord, our God: we pray for our beautiful planet, endangered by overpopulation, industrial waste and exploitation. Help us to treat this treasure with an abundance of respect. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

God, we thank you for the gift of planet earth and all forms of life that teem across oceans, forests and prairies. Give our generation the will to be good stewards of the environment, in good times and in bad times. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.
Lord, we give you thanks for your creation’s amazing blessings. Instill in us respect and awe before the wonder of life. Help us protect the amazing diversity of wildlife, that it may not be sacrificed on the altar of economic development.
Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Lord God, protect endangered species and fragile ecosystems; give hope to those who labor on behalf of the environment. Bless the efforts of our local governments to encourage green policies and preserve open space in our community. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

For the green earth and the gifts of seeds and crops, fruits and vegetables, trees of the field, and birds of the air, we give you thanks, O God. Guide our civilization to become good stewards of creation. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

God of the universe, you made heaven and earth, the seas, and all that is in them. We pray for the well-being of springs and deserts, forests and mountains, creatures and plants. Bless and sustain the outdoor ministries of our church Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Word of Life, you spoke and this creation came into being. We are humbled by the greatness of the universe and inspired by its beauty and order. Curb human greed! Help us to protect the earth and all its resources. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Dear God, you formed every living creature and gave them the breath of life. Bless our pets and animals and keep watch over our gardens and farms. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Holy God, blessed be the earth and all its creatures. We thank you for the beauty of a star lit sky, the gift of fresh air and the blessings that grow from the earth. Help us to take good care of it. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Blessed are you, Holy One. Restore your creation to vibrancy and beauty, and make us aware of the everyday miracles we walk by. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Lord, we rejoice in your whole creation: plants, fruit trees and flowering shrubs, gardens and farms, pets and wildlife, sunrise and sunset. Let us see, smell and hear the splendor of your creation every day. Together we pray:
C Have mercy, O God.

Let us rejoice in the gifts of nature that sustain us, the rhythms of life that surround us, the families and friends that support us, the gift of the Holy Spirit that never fails us. Together we pray:
C Glory to you, O God.

Lord God, heavenly Father, we praise you for the wonder of creation, for the diversity of wildlife and plant species; for flowers and crops that populate our gardens and fields. Together we pray:
C: Praise be to God.

God of creativity, you have given us a rich earth to provide nourishment. Grant us the wisdom to be good stewards of this vast and wondrous home and let us be mindful of the impact of our actions for future generations. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Lord, we thank you for sun and moon, the stars in the universe, rivers, oceans and lakes, mountains, hills and flatlands. We praise you for all of creation. Make us worthy inhabitants of this great planet. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

O Lord, our God, creator of everything that is and mystery behind every matter: bless the earth and gently touch the ground that it may soften and open up for the growth and blossoms of spring. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

D O creator of all things, seen and unseen: your voice sings in creation. May we hear your song in the forests and shrubs of our neighborhoods! May our hearts be lifted up by the colors that flow out of nature’s wondrous awakening every spring. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Lord we thank you for the blessings of creation, the leaves, colors and blooms that appear this time of year. Help us bless creation with our actions; help us respect and preserve the treasures of the earth. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Bless all of creation! Bless the birds that awaken us early in the morning! Bless the trees that are sprouting and branching out this time of year! Bless our pets at home that bring us so much joy! Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

Lord, we thank you for the beauty of creation, for those who care for the land and its creatures, for the blooming promise of spring time and for the blessings of earth’s natural resources. Help us to be good stewards of your creation, we pray.
Have mercy, O God.
Lord God, we thank you for the pleasures of summer time: long and warm days, times spent outdoors – at home, on the beach or in the mountains. Restore all those who seek refreshment and rest. Good God,
C: hear our prayers.

Lord, as the heat becomes unbearable we pray for all those who have little shelter and lack places of relief. We are mindful of the warming of our planet and ask for your strength to do what we can do as stewards of the earth. Lord in your mercy,
C: hear our prayers.

Lord, we thank you for the many groups in our church who have been faithful and hard working throughout the year in music, education or service and are taking a summer break now. Refresh them and let them enjoy free time, church time and family time. Good God,
C: hear our prayers.

Come near us, Lord God and bless the colorful forests of Pennsylvania, its waterways and streams, wildlife and people, insects and mammals, that we may learn how to live in harmony together. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

Holy God, we thank you for the wonders of creation and the soothing, comforting colors of fall. We pray for a healthy planet and wise stewardship on the part of our leaders and people. To you, O Lord, we pray.
C Have mercy, O God.

Lord of heaven and earth, we praise you for this glorious fall, the soothing colors that begin to emerge in the forests, the fruits of the harvest, the fertility of the soil, the endless wonders of creation. Help us to be good stewards of the earth. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

Lord, we thank you for the earth and its abundant treasures. We thank you for potatoes harvested from the dark soil this time of year, for apples, pears and plums, for pumpkins, brussels sprouts and kale. For those who farm here in our area and for all who take care of nature’s blessings, let us pray.
C Have mercy, O God.

For wilderness and desert terrains, for mountains and plains, for fields resting now in winter, for animals hibernating, for people seeking the warmth of their homes, we ask for your blessing. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Bless the earth during this winter time: bless animals and dormant plants, seeds hiding underneath the frozen crust, people seeking warmth and community; bless those who have been blasted by masses of snow.
Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

We praise you for the Delaware River and its tributaries, for all the life teeming in our streams and lakes. Make us more responsible for the health of our environment and help us curb human waste and emissions. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

You love your creation, O God. Grow our sense of responsibility for animals and crops all around us. Help small farmers, beekeepers and cattle ranchers in our region to establish sustainable farming practices. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.
King of glory, the earth is yours and all that is in it. We pray for the ravaged areas of our shorelines and for all people hit by storms and natural disasters. Bless aid workers and maintenance crews that work on restoring infrastructure. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

For a Family Service:
Child One: We thank you, Lord, for the gift of animals in our lives. WE thank you for animals that comfort us, delight us and give us companionship. We thank you for dogs and cats, birds and hamsters, guinea pig and fish.
C: We thank you Lord, for the gift of animals.
Child Two: We thank you, Lord, for animals that give us wool and feathers to keep us warm. WE thank you for animals that give us milk, cheese and eggs to help us grow and keep us healthy. We thank you for horses donkeys and oxen that work hard on farms around the world.
C: We thank you Lord, for the gift of animals.
Child Three: We thank you, Lord, for animals that eat plants and fertilize the soil, making it richer and more fertile for new growth and new life. We thank you, Lord, for the gifts of insects, and especially bees, to pollinate fruit and vegetable plants for us to eat and flowers to give us joy.
C C: We thank you Lord, for the gift of animals.
Child Four: We thank you, Lord, for being our Good Shepherd, for seeking us when we are lost, for showing us water to quench our thirst, and for leading us to green pastures. Help us to share our blessings with others and to help others have clean water and green pastures to feed and nourish their families too.
C: We thank you Lord, for the gift of animals.
Creator God, we look around us and see your creation clothed in beautiful colors. We thank you for nature’s tranquility and comforting presence. Help us bless your creation with our thoughts, prayers and actions. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.
O God, our hope for the world. We pray for planet earth this morning, a tiny speck in the vast universe, yet precious and holy in your sight. Help the leaders of the world to make the right decisions toward preserving good living conditions for all. Help the people to accept sacrifices that are necessary. Lord, in your mercy, C hear our prayer.

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