(Thanks) For the church in its many expressions

D Lord, we thank you for the church in its many expressions: some of them continuing old traditions, others exploring new ways of worship and all of them serving you. That all those who proclaim the gospel may be blessed abundantly, let us pray.
C Have mercy, O God.
Lord God, heavenly Father, bless your church in all corners of the earth and in all its wonderful expressions. Inspire people of our time to serve you and become your disciples. May their interest turn into devotion and transformed lives. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.
Holy, living God, pour out your Spirit upon your people. Inspire unity in mission throughout the church. Bring people together to discover their common humanity: liberals and conservatives, agnostics and believers, rich and poor, artists and business people, urban and suburban folk. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.
Holy Trinity, one God, you have joined us together as sisters and brothers in Christ. We thank you for the gift of shared ministry and collaboration between different churches and organizations. Heal the wounds dividing your church, and make us better witnesses to your love for the world. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

(Thanks) For churches in peril and danger

D Lord, we thank you for your church across the world and especially in the regions where she was first established. Bless Christians in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, in Syria and Egypt, in Lebanon and Iraq. Fill them anew with your gospel and bring hope to their countries. Hear us, O God.
C Let your light shine.
God of grace and God of glory, you call us to wait upon your name. Sometimes our ears get weary and our hearts breed doubt and disbelief. Give your church on earth and all of us here today the strength and patience to believe in your saving power. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

O God, we pray for the church throughout the world. We pray for our brothers and sisters who worship in dangerous places. We pray for those who have become minorities in secular societies. We pray for those who are discerning to serve you as pastors, deacons, missionaries, teachers or musicians. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.
Gracious God, we pray for the church throughout the world and especially in places where she is marginalized, persecuted and endangered. Guide the church in all its endeavors and inspire it to proclaim the gospel with boldness. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

(Thanks) For “our” church and “our” denomination

D Gracious God: Your voice sings in the church and moves our souls. Bless our worship, that our voices may join in spirit and truth with those that have filled this church since it was built. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.
Savior of the nations, call up people in our (Lutheran) church to serve you in nations far away and here . Stir the hearts of our people and prepare candidates for ministry who will pave the way for the gospel of Christ. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.
We pray for the whole church; for bishops, pastors, and lay leaders; for those preparing for baptism, their families, and sponsors. Save us by your grace and lead us by your spirit. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.
Our Father in heaven, we thank you for our leaders in the church and in the parish. Forgive us for sometimes expecting too much of them. Help us support and pray for them. Bless our Bishop (…) and all the other servants of God that work for the church at large, including … Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.
Son of God, our great high priest, direct the spiritual life of this congregation, that we may seek you in prayer, praise, study and service. Bless our church council members to feel your presence and grow as your disciples. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

For our Bishop (…) and all those who serve on behalf of the Lutheran Church and the people in our region, that you may grant them wisdom, inspiration and perseverance in all tasks that are difficult and tedious, let us pray.
C Have mercy, O God.
For the church of Christ in our community; for the people and congregations teaching the gospel, that we may learn to love ourselves and one another, that we may be strong in hope for this world. Hear us, O God.
Your mercy is great.

(Thanks) For a giving spirit in the church

Lord of the church, help us to give to you what is yours. Make us faithful stewards of our time, talents, and treasures. Let people experience the power of giving. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.
D Lord, we thank you for the pledges and commitments promised by our people for this coming year, enabling us to invest into the mission you have called us to. May you bless all of our people’s gifts and contributions. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.
God our provider, awaken a sense of charity in the hearts of people all around us. May your church show the path toward compassion and by example teach a faith that is active in love. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

(Thanks) For Service, Renewal and Mission in the Church

LoLord speak, for your servant church is listening and ready to serve. Make us attentive to your call, that with alertness and joy we will follow wherever you lead. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.
Lord, we are worried sometimes about the changes that are happening in our society and in people´s hearts and minds. Bless your church that we may understand and reach out to a new generation. Help us build a vibrant community where you speak through different voices, technologies, styles and perspectives, and where everybody is respected. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

Holy God, you have given the gift of ministry. Increase the spirit of collaboration among congregations and partner ministries. Lead us to value one another’s gifts to do your work effectively. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.
O God, we pray for the church. Give it the courage to translate faith into action. Guide the hands and feet of the faithful to answer the needs so abundant in this world. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.
Lord God, move your church beyond small hopes and halfhearted witness. Lead your people to believe in the reality of a new day and your light transforming people here in this place. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.
Dear Lord, call people to serve your church and inspire them to speak with authority where the powers of evil are most oppressive and human hearts yearn for dignity and compassion. This morning we pray for pastors in rough neighborhoods and conflicted communities. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Lead your church in all places, and bless all the communities of faith gathering this morning. Be with those providing school and shelter for our poorest brothers and sisters. May your grace flow from our people and places of worship. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

Holy Trinity, you call some to be prophets and some to be priests. Be with all who discern a call to ministry in your church. Bless the work of call committees and candidacy committees. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

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