Open to be Changed

Call to Worship

P   Let us gather this morning, confident in the presence of Christ, curious about the treasures of God’s Word, open to be transformed by the Holy Spirit.
C Amen.

P Lord, sometimes our minds are determined to remain unchanged and are not open for  your voice. Sometimes our spirits are stubborn and self-absorbed. This morning we ask that you search our hearts and prepare them to be blessed by your Word, which  has the power to renew and heal.

C Come, Holy Word, speak to us in our worship!
           Come, Holy Spirit, make room for the new creation in us!
           Come, Mystery of God, take possession of us!

P People of God, you are each precious in the sight of the Lord. You each have gifts to share and holy work to do. Let go of that which holds you back and that which limits your imagination Allow God to form and mold you!

C We come to you O Lord, eager to see ourselves in your light, curious what might be possible if we put you first in our lives.

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