Lent II

Call to Worship

L    In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
C    Amen.

L    During this season of Lent we hear God’s call to simplicity. As Jesus emptied
     himself on the cross, so let us empty ourselves of everything that clutters our minds.

C   Come Lord, cleanse us this morning!
L   As Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and given the strength to fast in the

     wilderness, so let us open our minds to the power of God.
C  Come Lord, fill us with your Holy Spirit!

L  As Jesus was patient with himself and his disciples, so let us be patient with ourselves and the people around us.
C  Come Lord, give us patience and endurance on our way.

L   This season we hear God’s call to simplicity. In the name of Jesus, our Lord, I bless you to curb excess and find joy in humble things.  
C   Amen.  

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