
Call to Worship

L: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
C: Amen.

L: Holy God, you not only comfort us but you also challenge us. Your Word awakens us to love justice.
C: Lord, make us whole and keep us honest.

L: Holy God, you bring justice to those who are marginalized. In our community help us to be advocates of what is right.
C: Lord, make us whole and keep us honest.

L: May our worship this morning flow into our actions, our pocket books, our attitudes and our relationships.
C: Lord, make us whole and keep us honest.

L: People of God, with what shall we come before the Holy One,
and bow ourselves before the Lord on high? (Micah 6:3)
C: God has shown us what is good.
What does the Holy One require of us,
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with our God?

L: With the prophet Amos let us proclaim our hope for the world:
C: May Justice shall roll on like a river here in the Unites States!
And may righteousness reign here in our community like a never-failing stream!


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