Advent 1 Call To Worship

P: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

C: Amen.

P:  This is the Sunday of Hope. Hope is found in the presence of God who is here among us, who lives in us, surrounds us, and holds us in the palm of his hand.

C:   We embrace God’s presence here, at this moment, in this place.

P:  Hope is found when God brings people together that need each other, when words are spoken that are deeper than life.

C:  We embrace God’s wise men and women among us. 

P:  Hope is found when bad suspicions remain unfulfilled, when life is born where death reigned, when love overcomes fear.

C:  We embrace the one who brings life.

P:  Hope is found when people find God and find themselves in God.

C:  Lord, speak to us this morning! Amen.     

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