God of reconciliation, pour out your mercy upon us when we get caught up in silly arguments and festering animosity. Turn us back to you, and help us see the other side in any conflict. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

D God, we long for peace and justice on behalf of those whose lives have been torn apart by violence, corruption and abuse. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.
D This morning we pray for all of Abraham’s children, including Jews and Muslims and ask that you help each to be a contributor to peace in our world. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Teach us to live peaceably with all nations and even those who seek to do us harm. Bring light into the dark corners of the world and give courage to organizations that seek to overcome evil with good (especially). Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

We pray for peace in the world. We pray that the forces of evil and destruction may not succeed. We pray for people whose souls are filled with hatred. Free them from the bonds of sin! Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Son of Peace,
Your peace breaks down hatred, egotism, abuse and intolerance. Your presence ends conflicts between tribes, families and individuals. Help us to be messengers of your peace. Lord in your mercy,
C Hear our prayer.

O Lord, our God, you guide our feet into the way of peace. Give wisdom to presidents, prime ministers and legislatures in all nations. Help our elected leaders to speak with one another, listen to each other and reach across the aisle. Lord, in your mercy,
C Hear our prayer.

Lord, we thank you for the multitude of languages spoken on earth and the rich diversity of cultures. We pray for all people walking in darkness, longing for war and disaster to cease; we pray for countries recovering from famine and earthquakes.
Lord, in your mercy,
C Hear our prayer.

Lord, humble the hearts of leaders and quiet the pride of nations. Let us sweat during peacetimes that people won’t have to bleed in war. Teach us the way of peace. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

For those who have a hard time to forgive and let go; for those who are troubled by feelings of anger and revenge, that they may find peace in Christ , peace with themselves and with God, let us pray.
C Have mercy, O God.

God of peace, we pray for the nations of the world. Give all nations leaders who seek peace and pursue justice. Weed out what is stale and rotten in our own political system. Encourage promising people to serve as leaders in our country. Lord, in your mercy,
C hear our prayer.

Eternal Father, bring your spirit to violent places. Thwart the attacks of those who seek to bring terror and unrest to communities. Help all who seek peace to persevere. Hear us, O God.
C Your mercy is great.

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